What follows is only an interpretation of some of the concepts I received during my Alexander Technique sessions with beloved Vladimir Dziomba.
Beyond the technique itself, which deals with relatively simple ideas that apply to everything to be done while living,
what I write next is a chain of thoughts and sensations that came with it through the experience of thinking and doing after thinking…
It is about letting oneself stop doing what one is doing, to let oneself do it by trusting that that self knows how to do it. It is somehow catching the doing before doing it and telling that being which will do, not to. So another being is telling that other one, to stop and think.
Listen to each voice. And here by listening, I mean seeing as well, and smelling and touching…sensing sofnesses or raughnesses.
So many voices to hear.
We are a real symphony.
A living choir.
His official Facebook page has more information about the work itself and about him.
In In dialog with myself (2020), three versions of me were placed on stage (on the screen). I could have brought six or seven more...
Reminds me of the piece we made with Maria Torrents Soler, NomenNescio (2018). In its version II, created and performed in Tallinn, I drew a path of eyes which surrounded half of us on stage...part on the wall and part on the floor.
Gaining eyes all over the body, looking in all directions and times.
The body becomes timeless.
Incredible artist and teacher.
It is a simple synthesis of very complex subjects such as gravity. Simple and yet not so easy to assess as we learn to reject gravity instead of becoming friends with it.
...as it is a technique which starts in the thought and actually….I think it also ends there. Simple..
(it has lost all simplicity)
And here I can't stop but wondering how many selves do we then have? For every move from every part of my body, there is a being I have to listen to, who told me to do that in that way...it reflects some moment in a lifetime where we learn to do it, unorganically. In the end, we are born “healthy” but acquire behaviours which are just adaptations to an environment. So all gestures ask for revision.
Many voices to be seen, so many eyes growing, filling the skin in. Gazing inwards to better see outwards.
As John Cage said:
“of five aspects,
observe two”.
...separating layers of sound to listen to the beauty of individuality within the plurality. A being built up by multiple others, a more integrated way of inhabiting a space. Like Min Tanaka would say: “We are determined by history, not just of the earth, but rather of all movements of the universe from which we come. (...) Skin is not just a surface“.